Industrial Organization Management Notes
- Definition of the term economics
- The concepts of economics
- The concept of production
- Relationship between value, utility and production
- Division of labour, specialization, automation and mechanization
- The concept of demand supply, price, trade demand, supply curves
- Demand supply and price
- The concept of money
- The role of banks and financial institutions
- Role of international trade and foreign exchange
- The role of the world bank, IMF and other development partners
- Business Law and Company Law
- Liabilities of business
- Contacts and the law of contracts
- Legal position of a business
- Bankruptcy of a business winding up
- Legal position of a business
- Definition of Management
- Concepts of Management
- History and Evolution of mangement
- Types of management
- Functions of management
- Organization of Functions of management
- Advantages and disdvantages of organization management
- Basic principles of organization
- The concept of authority, responsibility and accountability
- Management by objective
- Project management
- Project planning
- Critical path analysis
- Costing
- Resuorce loading and scheduling in a project
- Project activity costing and base lining
- Project process
- Project commissioning
- The office
- Functions of an office
- Office Equipment
- Office organization and administration
- Production planning activities
- Production development
- Quality of a product control
- Statistical Quality control
- Control charts and sampling features
- Inspection
- Procedures for materials procurement and stores
- Work study
- Features and constraints of a production plant
- Plant location
- Types of production
- Plant layout